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I've Always Loved to Write. But LiveJournal Isn't Cool Anymore so Here's My Blog.

I'm also way less angsty.

Mostly everything is about my business but I'm a therapist so it all has that seasoning. 

Musings and insights from a therapist, mama, business-ower, doing-the-best-I-can-er. 

December: Buckle Up, it's a Long One Dec 18, 2024

How is it already Mid-December??? And Like December, Buckle Up - This is a Long One. 

You know what's wild about this time of year for me? We are a family that celebrates secular Christmas so we have...

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Grief & Parenting & Unicorns Apr 29, 2024

I've been working with parents and families for over 15 years. One of the most common themes I have heard over that time - in families of all backgrounds and constellations - is grief. Before I say an...

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The leaves are already fallin' Sep 05, 2023

And it feels like the future is callin' (#ifykyk).

Ok, but for real. It's September 5th and I'm in my new office space located inside of Vermont Doula Company (VDC) in South Burlington. It is s...

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