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It's happening y'all!

counseling courses parent postpartum prenatal therapy Aug 04, 2023
image of kid squishing color foam

Y'all. I did it (well, doing it). After over a decade of working for non-profit agencies and schools, I am spreading my wings to fly solo. It's bringing up all the feels: self-doubt, fear, excitement, pride, hope, grief. Lookin' a little messy emotionally these days, but I'm here for it. It's kinda like:


And this transition reminds me of other big transitions in my professional life. I remember when I left the world of Public Relations, Graphic Design and Advertising and jumped into working with kids in an after school program. I meandered my way from there to my Master's Program. 3 years later I ultimately started building my foundations at NFI Vermont, Inc.


I spent the next 10 years there. I hit so many milestones at NFI - I met my (now) spouse, fell in love, came out, got married and had the twins. And something happened when the twins were born - it just felt like time to enter a new chapter professionally that (allowed me to?) (forced me to?) find a different balance and rhythm. I've spent the last 4 years working in schools and my transition from there into private practice was....loaded. I worked with high school students and some of them were so sad I was leaving. But I also felt proud that how I was living my life was aligned with what I tell people in counseling. Sometimes, we have to do something scary and sad to take care of ourselves. And we can hold both experiences of excitement and grief, sadness and joy. Not all endings are the end of the book - sometimes it's just the end of a chapter you can always revisit. I have such gratitude for the experiences that taught me that. And such anxiety for this next chapter.

It'll be good right? Right.

So welcome to Littlefield Counseling LLC. I'm a real person with real lived experiences and really, really good clinical training. And I believe the folx struggling with infertility and conception, postpartum challenges and parenting deserve better. So here's what I'm doing:

  • Working with folx struggling with conception and infertility.

  • Working with folx struggling in the perinatal period (conception-1st year).

  • Offering services in-person, online and in homes.

  • Offering M-F daily drop-in space for all of my active postpartum clients, because we were never meant to do this alone.

  • Keeping decolonization of therapy strong through continuing with my own personal decolonization practices (consultation & keeping no-cost, no-barrier spots open for those furthest from justice in my practice).

  • Developing a few courses, which I hope will be more accessible to more people called PMH Courses. So far, they include:

    • Prenatal Mental Health Course: self-paced online course that focuses on planning for postpartum mental health before you find yourself drowning postpartum.

    • 4th Trimester Intensive & 4th Trimester Mini: self-paced online courses for parents of a new baby - whether it's the first, third, biological or adopted baby(ies) to help consolidate the overwhelming global pool of resources and help parents make sense of their experience. Complete with online community.

  • I'm going to try to be more present and engaged online and create things like this blog, TikTok and Instagram, get them up and running to bring y'all resources, joy and solidarity in this ride.

  • I'm going to continue to build out Journals for Justice (J4J), a side project I created in the Spring of 2023 to find a new, innovative way to fundraise to make the lives of marginalized people better right now, in addition to continuing to push systemic change.

  • I'm finding joy. And I want you to come along.

THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me along the way to getting here.

Stay tuned for my social media & online courses. Courses should be out by the end of August and the social media theme for September is: Change & Transition (seems fitting, right?).

The journey to & through parenthood can be hard. We're here to help.

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Through to THRIVE courses are not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. Courses are for therapeutic learning purposes only.