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Through to THRIVE is officially LAUNCHED!

coaching community connection counseling healing infertility neurodivergence parenthood pregnancy support Mar 27, 2024
through to thrive logo and website address

Can I just say? I see Through to THRIVE (TTT) everywhere! The whole concept of TTT is about how we have to go through the hard things in order to thrive on the other side. And that's what I see everywhere - people navigating through challenges and struggling, learning, grieving and eventually thriving. 

Right this very minute as I sit on my couch creating this post, reflecting on the growth of my business, the new website, how the first course is about to launch with the Through to THRIVE community space, I am in the deep woods. You know how when you're in the thick of something? Like so deep in it? Sometimes it's so great (like this), and sometimes it's so hard (infertility challenges), and sometimes it's profoundly mixed (newly postpartum with your first kid/s - the haze of the first few months). In these seasons, time seems to do funny things - be fast and slow at the same time, have so much and never enough.

That's what I call "deep woods": so deep in the forest, the trail is so hard to find or not even there, the brush is thick and light breaks through the canopy inconsistently, you're surrounded and seemingly in the middle of nowhere. That's how coming out was for me, that's how trying to get pregnant was for me, that's how being pregnant was for me, and how the first couple of years of parenting were for me. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't like lost in the deep woods for 8-12 years. I definitely found several gorgeous meadows and streams, connected with myself and my world in deep and profound ways, encountered friends, and learned skills. But there were also times of loneliness, isolation, fear, grief and pain. 

I truly believe that we all have the innate ability to navigate the deep woods alone and I also believe that just because we can, doesn't mean we should. There's so much in the world that we fiercely navigate alone - or resort to navigating alone. Sometimes I feel like it makes me stronger and often, I simply feel tired and lonely. 

Over time, I got pretty sick of hearing about people struggling in the deep woods and seeking support only for there to be nothing or for support to harm further or, or, or. I know I can't be all things to all people and I know I can't solve systemic issues in how we view and support parents by myself. But I'm not going to do nothing. And the cracks and corners where I feel capable, empowered and resourced, I'm going to plant whatever seeds will grow. So welcome to Through to THRIVE - a seed I've planted in a crack. It's not the solution, but it's not nothing.

It's been so healing for me to create this space, drawing from my clinical training, my personal lived experiences, the deep sharing of others and witnessing of the journey of others. I KNOW it's a drop in the bucket of what is needed, but maybe it will help people - even if it's just a little. Maybe it'll inspire someone to find their own little crack and plant a seed there. 

This initial launch includes my small therapy practice for Vermonters, but now it's so much more. I have spent months pulling together my flagship parenting course: Prep for Post which was born from all the things someone could have told me when I was pregnant about the first year with a newborn (or in my case, two newborns!), help me learn about my many risk factors, and start to develop a proactive plan for navigating the thick, lush forest that was coming my way. In addition to Counseling and Courses, two incredible Coaches have joined the space as well - both of whom have a unique combination of formal training and education, but really draw from their lived experiences of parenting in their coaching roles. Their coaching draws from their unique backgrounds and experiences to support other parents so that they don't have to navigate the deep woods alone. And finally, our Community Space. I hope this becomes a vibrant space of connection. It is, of course, in it's infancy now - community takes time to grow. 

Over the next several months, I'll be dropping my next series of courses that focus on common themes from the first year with a newborn. We'll be trying to cultivate the community space and of course, provide ongoing support to individuals, families, and organizations through our counseling and coaching. 

One last thing...I LOVE connection. If you love what we're doing, have supportive feedback, want to partner with us or support our growth, collab on a project, or simply grab a cuppa, drop me a line. 

The journey to & through parenthood can be hard. We're here to help.

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Through to THRIVE courses are not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. Courses are for therapeutic learning purposes only.