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The journey to & through parenthood can be hard. We're here to help.

Sign up for the Through to THRIVE Monthly Newsletter to stay connected about current, upcoming and future offerings, get tips, and special offers. 

Through to THRIVE courses are not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. Courses are for therapeutic learning purposes only.

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Whether you're looking for proactive planning & learning while pregnant, navigating the first year with a new baby, or have an older child you are struggling to understand and support, we're here to support the whole family. Because raising a happy, healthy baby starts with happy, healthy parents. 

*All of our courses are carefully created to be accessible with video, audio, text, and worksheets. Plus, every course includes access to the exclusive Through to THRIVE online community with affinity spaces based on season of parenting and identity. 

*Every course includes registration for you and a support person at no extra charge.

*Our community space features LIVE drop in meetings where you can ask questions, get answers, receive support, and (hopefully) learn something meaningful. 

Check Out our Courses!
Pregnant woman sitting at laptop viewing course


Our courses are   designed to help you from nurturing a healthy pregnancy to navigating the intricacies of postpartum care.

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several hands stacked symbolic of community


You don't have to do this alone. Our community provides you a place to connect, learn, and grow, together.

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woman on couch appearing to be talking to a counselor for therapy


Clinical therapy services are for individuals, couples and families with expedited treatment options.

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family swinging child as a connective and bright activity


Parent coaching can be a valuable resource for parents who are looking to improve their parenting approach.

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With an array of services to support parents and families wherever they are. Services include: self-paced online courses & community that focus on parental mental health from conception and infertility through postpartum and beyond; individualized coaching services; and clinical mental health counseling. Designed for families of all shapes and sizes. There might not be a manual for parenting, but there is definitely information and support that can help.


hands stacked together symbolizing community
Hey there!


Read more about my story on the About page >

When I struggled to find support after my kids were born, I knew there had to be a better way.

As a licensed clinical mental health counselor and mama of twins with lived experience of Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), I get it. 

I created Through to THRIVE because I felt like there were major gaps in care for people trying to get pregnant, who are pregnant and who want or need help navigating the transitions that come with welcoming baby(ies) and navigating the parenting journey. I realized there is super helpful information that everyone should & could get and TONS of common themes throughout the journey that don't necessarily need clinical support (assuming you can even get in somewhere!). So I used my clinical skills, training, and lived experiences to create Through to THRIVE.

"The prenatal mental health prep course is so incredibly helpful. I wish I had known so much of this before I had my kid."

Jean, Parent of Maisie

"I had so many challenges postpartum, but my therapist never talked to me about any of this and it would have been so healing."

Kim, Parent of Jackson