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Meet Cass

Through to THRIVE's Toddler AAC Advocate, Consultant and Parent Empowerment Coach

Passion #1

Toddler AAC Advocacy

I collaborate with early childhood service providers, educators & families to demystify "early" robust high-tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Passion #2

Modeling Without Expectation

I work with families and educators to explore holistic strategies around regulation & communication support that are practical, personalized, neuro-affirming & neuroscience-based

Passion #3

Parent Empowerment

I help families learn the ropes navigating next steps after an autism diagnosis and in the education system, including IEP goal consultation & behaviorism harm reduction

Cass Griffin Bennett

Autistic & ADHD mom of autistic kids. 

Empowering families to advocate for access and use of robust high-tech AAC and co-develop coregulation & self-regulation skillsets in authentic neuroaffirming ways via modeling without expectation. 

About Me:

My guiding goal in parenting is to raise my children to become their own best self-advocates. I take the same empowering approach working with families and providers. 

I am passionate about all things equity, early access to robust high-tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), and neuroscience-based regulation support guided by modeling without expectation.

I serve on the board of the Northwest Augmentative Communication Society (NWACS) and am an active volunteer with the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint (AASR). I have a career background in professional services business development and a degree in Psychology from Smith College. 

My Mission:

I know firsthand that AAC can change lives, both that of the person gaining access to robust communication and that of the family unit as a whole. I started my youngest child on robust high-tech AAC at age 2, without the support of our professional team. I stepped into the role of advocate, outreach and coach because I want parents to have a more connected, less isolated experience than we did. 

I hope that sharing my family’s Toddler AAC experience and supporting parents and early childhood service providers in the possibilities available to them will decrease gatekeeping and widen access and opportunity for nonspeaking kids. I want to empower parents to take an active role in their child’s AAC journey as well as be their biggest cheerleader in advocating for affirming access to education and supports. 

IEP and AAC advocate Cass smiling in headshot
Check out upcoming presentations and events featuring Cass!

Family AAC Consult

Initial New-to-AAC Consultation

Sliding Scale | 45min session

  • Meet Cass for an intro dive into feeling more confident getting started with your child's AAC device at home
  • Get support with ways to encourage use of your child's new device
  • Ask questions & connect to resources
  • Discuss future steps and ways to implement practical strategies within various settings your child may be in, including IEP accommodations
Sign up for a consult

Ongoing AAC Support

AAC Peer Parent Support

Sliding Scale | 1hr session

  • Problem-solve areas that may be creating barriers for you or your child in fully integrating and utilizing their device
  • Discuss strategies and ideas in navigating the varying beliefs within your child's care team and access support to be your child's best advocate
  • Partner in brainstorming language & modeling ideas for increased child buy-in, including recorded audio integration for gestalt language processors 
Schedule a session