We Plan for Everything When it Comes to Babies—Except Caring for Ourselves:
The Transition into Parenthood is Critical - and We Need to Focus on More Than Just the Baby(ies).
Learn what it means to take care of yourself postpartum - even if you think you've got it down - because a new baby changes everything.
"This class should be standard in prenatal care. So helpful."
-Aimee, Prep for Post Student
Registry (check). Birth Class (check). Newborn Care Class (check).
Postpartum parental mental health plan...(crickets).
Let's get you ready to take care of YOU, not just the new baby(ies).
You've got this. And we've got you.
We prepare for all. the. things when we find out we're pregnant. If it's your first kid, you probably take classes on newborn care (even if you babysat and have spent a lot of time with babies!) and build a meticulous registry.
We take birth classes to proactively plan for the relatively short time we are birthing (which is SUCH a small amount of time in the grand scheme of parenting), maybe we take a sibling prep class to prepare an older sibling for the arrival of baby(ies).
Why is it that we prepare parents for changing diapers and have a million kinds of diaper pails to choose from, but we don't prepare them for their own transition into parenthood? Especially knowing that postpartum mood challenges (like anxiety and depression) are the leading complication of birth in the US.
We know this. We have the stats. Ready?
1 in 5 birthing parents experience clinical levels of postpartum mood challenges. Partners aren't immune, either.
1 in 10 partners experience postpartum mood challenges, too.
We can absolutely roll the dice and hope for the best. Hope we aren't the 1 in 5 or the 1 in 10.
But why?
Did we roll the dice with our registry and just hope we get everything on the list? Did we roll the dice and just hope that we'd figure out how to get the baby out?
Nope. We made a list and took a class.
"I assumed I had experienced it all and was prepared for anything. But my second postpartum experience showed me just how unprepared I was." -Rebecca, Parent
It simply isn't enough to know about sleep deprivation, PMADs, and feeding because you don't know what it's actually going to be like for YOUR family THIS time.
You have to have some tools for how you're going to navigate those challenges. And that's where we come in.
Hey there, I'm Kate. I'm the parent who got caught off guard. We thought we we'd be totally fine - I'm a therapist with extensive training in families and trauma and my spouse is a Special Education teacher. We both have spent a TON of time with babies and kids. We wanted to be parents so badly.
And then I started to get warning signs that ranged from subtle to blatantly obvious about my risk for postpartum challenges. But no one could offer me anything to actually do about it. So I tried therapy, but couldn't find someone that had openings, the right skill set, took my insurance or that was a good match. So honestly, I gave up and we decided to wing it.
I found out the hard way, but you don't have to. I made this course from my own personal experience of things I wish someone had told me that would have made a world of difference postpartum. Would it have prevented me from struggling? Honestly, probably not. But it 1000% would have made the struggle easier to navigate and I wouldn't have had to find and build a community of care and support from scratch.
We are your go-to community in your pocket to share the joys and challenges of the transition to parenting (big or small).
And everyone is welcome here.
Price goes up February 2025. Buy now for $49.99 (half price!)
"Such a good value. And I love that really seasoned professionals help you complete it. It's like getting a tailored service for a fraction of the price." -Anonymous P4P Participant
Here's a peak inside the course:
Still have questions? That's ok! We've got you. Here are some frequently asked questions:
How long does it take?
What does it cover?
Don't birth and newborn care classes cover this?
What if the course doesn't help me?
"I feel so much more confident and prepared for this! I was so worried about postpartum depression, but now that I know what to look for, how to talk about it, and have support systems ready, I just feel prepared."
Your Partner
"I don't always feel like I know what to say or do, but now I do. The conversation starters and work around what we expect of each other was really helpful. Now I just pull this out and I'm ready!"
Your baby(ies)
"Thank you. YOU being ready helps you be more present for ME. Thank you for giving me the very best start and modeling right out of the gate how to take care of yourself."
The FIRST and ONLY Prenatal Class designed exclusively for the Parent part of Parenting
Are you ready to take care of you so that you can take care of baby(ies)?
We can't wait to support you. Just click below and sign up. After you purchase the course, you'll get another email with a code that you can send to any support person of your choosing. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]
Sign me up!